Online Customer Service Training Left You Drained? Try Microlearning

Your customer service staff are the front-line of your business, so it’s important that they not only have access to the highest standard of training, but also that they are able to retain the information that training provides. Trying to carry out a full time job and extra online customer service training can be incredibly draining for your staff, and instead of improving customer service, it could have the opposite effect.

If the online customer service training your staff use is too long, time consuming or complex, there’s a chance that you’ll risk draining them of their energy and they’ll lack the concentration your customers deserve. On top of that there is also the impact on the business of taking staff away from the front line for extended periods of time.

Microlearning can change all of that. Here are our top three reasons why:

Improved Customer Experience

Recent studies found that microlearning can actually improve retention by up to 50%, meaning your staff are 50% more likely to take in what they’re learning and be able to implement their new skills with much more ease. With this in mind, your staff will be able to apply their knowledge and make the customer experience ever more positive. Through microlearning you can teach your team how to communicate with customers from all walks of life and ensure you provide each customer with what they need to feel supported and to trust your brand and company.

Through the use of short videos and modules you can highlight the things you want to improve within the customer experience your company provides. By doing this in small chunks through microlearning topics, you’ll find your team take in the points much easier and are able to implement them much quicker.

Immediate Development of Communication Skills

Because microlearning courses can be carried out so much quicker than other customer service training, they don’t interfere with the everyday workflow of your team and staff. This means that your team are able to put their learning straight into action, by carrying out these courses in an environment that will provide them with the difficult and conflicting situations that will enable them to put their new skills into action. When working in a client facing role, your team will indefinitely be faced with an unhappy customer. Microlearning can provide the communication skills your team needs to remain calm under stressful situations and in turn calm a distressed or unhappy customer meaning you don't lose business but retain a more loyal customer.

More Time to Focus on Your Customers

Because of its bitesize nature, microlearning courses are more mobile friendly than traditional customer service training methods. With 2.3 Billion smart phones in use in the World today by making training materials more accessible on mobile and tablets, you make it easier for your team to pick up new skills and reduce the amount of time they’re sat unproductive, providing double the benefit for your customer service rating. Through this method of training you can not only provide your team with the skills they need to support your customers, and free up their time enabling to put these skills into action.

If you’re looking for a new way to improve the customer service your team provides, take a look at our customer service courses for microlearning.